Welcome Letter

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Letter from the President

Dear Visitor,

 Welcome to the Lathrop Cricket website, it gives me great honor and pleasure when a fellow Cricket enthusiast visits our website to gain more knowledge about the sport of cricket and about our club. Well my fellow cricketer, after reading this brief introduction to the site; I would urge that you head over to the JOIN US tab on this website and provide us with your contact information. Someone will contact you shortly and introduce you to the club.

Lathrop Cricket Club's website was created as a one stop shop, where you can learn about the sport by reading  our BLOG, under the title WHAT'S NEW that provides the viewer with our perspective of the game of cricket and growth of cricket in the USA.

Furthermore, website hosts links to cricket on-line stores; where new players without any hassle can find links to cricket merchandisers and purchase equipment for themselves. LPCL's website provides a new comer with subscription (membership) forms and any other official club documents that aid during the intiation process.

So, please take your time and view this website; bookmark it and regularly visit us to learn about any upcoming events, advertising campaigns and latest news from the club.


Mr. Ocran A
